Kasseler-Pfanne, Zum fingerlecken

Die deutsche Küche (German cuisine) is renowned for its hearty and flavorful dishes that embody a rich culinary tradition. Among these delectable creations is the Kasseler-Pfanne, a dish that promises to tantalize your taste buds and leave you saying “Zum Fingerlecken” – a German expression equivalent to “licking your fingers” to savor every last bit. In this culinary journey, we will explore the origins, ingredients, and step-by-step process of crafting the perfect Kasseler-Pfanne.

Origins of Kasseler-Pfanne:

The roots of Kasseler-Pfanne can be traced back to the German region of Hessen, where the love for hearty and flavorful dishes has been passed down through generations. The dish gets its name from Kasseler, a type of salted and slightly smoked pork loin that is a staple in German cuisine. Pfanne, which translates to “pan,” highlights the one-pan cooking method that simplifies the preparation while maximizing the blend of flavors.


To embark on this culinary adventure, gather the following ingredients:

  1. Kasseler Loin: 500g of Kasseler loin, thinly sliced.
  2. Potatoes: 4 medium-sized potatoes, peeled and diced.
  3. Onion: 1 large onion, finely chopped.
  4. Bell Peppers: A mix of red and green bell peppers, sliced.
  5. Carrots: 2 carrots, peeled and sliced.
  6. Garlic: 3 cloves, minced.
  7. Vegetable Broth: 500ml of vegetable broth.
  8. Mustard: 2 tablespoons of German mustard.
  9. Caraway Seeds: 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds.
  10. Paprika: 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika.
  11. Salt and Pepper: To taste.
  12. Olive Oil: 2 tablespoons.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Prepare the Kasseler:
    • Start by patting the Kasseler loin slices dry with paper towels.
    • Season both sides with salt, pepper, and a touch of mustard for added flavor.
    • In a large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium-high heat.
    • Sear the Kasseler slices until golden brown on both sides, then set aside.
  2. Saute the Vegetables:
    • In the same skillet, add the remaining olive oil.
    • Saute the chopped onions until translucent, then add the minced garlic.
    • Toss in the diced potatoes, sliced bell peppers, and carrots.
    • Cook the vegetables until they start to soften, stirring occasionally.
  3. Add the Flavors:
    • Sprinkle caraway seeds and sweet paprika over the vegetables, distributing the flavors evenly.
    • Pour in the vegetable broth and bring the mixture to a simmer.
    • Gently place the seared Kasseler slices on top of the vegetables.
  4. Simmer to Perfection:
    • Cover the skillet and let the ingredients simmer over medium heat.
    • Allow the flavors to meld together as the potatoes and carrots absorb the savory broth.
  5. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Once the potatoes are fork-tender and the Kasseler is fully cooked, the dish is ready.
    • Serve the Kasseler-Pfanne hot, garnished with fresh herbs if desired.

Tips for Perfection:

  1. Quality Kasseler: Ensure you use high-quality Kasseler loin for the best flavor. Look for a balance of saltiness and smokiness.
  2. Vegetable Medley: Experiment with a colorful mix of vegetables to enhance both the visual appeal and nutritional value of your Kasseler-Pfanne.
  3. Mustard Magic: Don’t shy away from using German mustard liberally. It adds a tangy kick that elevates the overall taste.
  4. Patience is Key: Allow the dish to simmer slowly, allowing the vegetables to absorb the savory broth and the Kasseler to impart its rich flavors.


The Kasseler-Pfanne, Zum Fingerlecken recipe, embodies the essence of German culinary excellence. With its hearty combination of seared Kasseler loin, vibrant vegetables, and a medley of flavorful spices, this dish is sure to transport you to the heart of Hessen with each bite. As you savor the rich history and robust flavors of Kasseler-Pfanne, remember to embrace the German tradition of saying “Zum Fingerlecken” – for a meal that truly deserves to be enjoyed to the last delicious morsel. Guten Appetit!

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